Thursday 28 May 2015

Cats & Trains!

Here's some screenshots from DigginChickin...

Her growing cat collection.... we'll have to start calling her "The DiggyVerse cat lady" soon!

The start of the trainline started by DigginChickin and nevs010, looking good!

 Remember we pay $250 for every screenshot we use,
it's always fun to see what you guys/gals are up to!

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Player Feedback

Just a reminder that the feedback form is still available, player feedback has had a huge influence on the modpack and server over the last few months so please do take a few minutes to complete it if you haven't already!

We've had some big changes since the form was first available back in December so please remember that if you have already completed it you can edit your responses, the questions may be changed from time to time if I'm looking for feedback on a particular feature etc.

Here is the link...

It's fairly short so it won't take long to complete but you can also provide as much additional feedback as you want in the final text box (which is optional).

I's still reviewing the responses roughly every two weeks and look forward to seeing your feedback and suggestions!

Thursday 21 May 2015

Scheduled Downtime

The server is down for scheduled maintenance.

The schedule is as follows:
  1. Full backup/clone - Done.
  2. Clear out old log files - Done.
Scheduled Downtime:
Date: 21/05/15
Started:  09:00 am (UK)
Finished:  09:25 am (UK)

Maintenance complete, the server is now back up!

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Scheduled Maintenance

The server will be down for maintenance tomorrow as follows:
  1. Full backup/clone.
  2. Clean out old logs and data.
Scheduled Downtime:
Date: 21/05/15
Est Start:  09:00 am (UK)
Est Finish:  10:00 am (UK)

Monday 18 May 2015

Tatankore Needs Limestone!

Here's some screenshots submitted by Tatankore...

looks like his Veteran World build is coming along nicely...

but... apparently he's desperately in need of all the limestone he can get, which is understandable looking at the size of the build!

Do you have some limestone he could have? Contact Tatankore in game if you do, he's willing to pay $50 a stack with a $100 bonus if you can give him 10 stacks or more!

 Remember we pay $250 for every screenshot we use,
it's always fun to see what you guys/gals are up to!

Wednesday 13 May 2015

Version 1.3.3a - Fix For Mac OS Users

Version 1.3.3a has been released, this version replaces More Enchants with a custom zip version to fix an issue affecting a few Mac OS users. 

It appears that some Mac OS users have been unable to use the More Enchants mod or connect to the server for a few weeks now, unfortunately though as the problem was not reported to me until yesterday I have only just been able to fix it. 

For those interested in what was causing the issue it appears that certain version of Mac OS could not properly access the contents of the mods .jar file, I have now repackaged it as a basic .zip file which has fixed the issue.

I hope this didn't affect too many people, please remember though that you can always drop me an email about any issue you are experiencing, if I don't know about it then I can't fix it!

Many thanks to ShrunkenMoth for bringing this issue to my attention, helping to diagnose it and testing the fix for me!

Saturday 9 May 2015

VeteranWorld Kits

The Free Bonus Kits in VeteranWorld now give double the number of Mystery Blocks, so that's 2 x Mystery Block for Veteran and Donator rank players and 2 x Mystery Block Plus for VIP rank players!

Due to an issue with staff who are also Donator/VIP rank I have also added a new kit for staff, the Staff Extras Kit, which can be claimed by all staff members along with the Veteran Kit, so all staff now get the same value in coins as VIP players, two of each type of mystery block (Veteran + VIP combined!) and a total of three Infused Flight Essence (two more than Veteran players and one more than VIP players!).

The reason that I decided staff players should get a little more than VIP players is firstly to help balance out the time the flight essence they end up using to help other players and secondly as a little thanks for giving their time to help with the server etc.


Tuesday 5 May 2015

Advertising - Videos & Images!

With my final university exam in just 4 weeks I'm slowly starting to put together a plan for when we start advertising the server, a few people have asked how they can help so I thought I'd throw some ideas out there so that anyone interested can help out!

  • As some of you have seen xPhantomY2Kx already made a trailer back in October, the modpack and server have come a long way since then (for example it now includes 20+ additional mods) so if anyone would like to make another trailer or even some 'Lets play' type videos please do!

  • Images - screenshots, banners, collage type images showing features of the server and/or modpack etc are always welcome, for use on this website as well as forum posts etc.

  • Advertising suggestions - feel free to make suggestions for sites you think we should advertise on etc.

Not only will contributing help with advertising and increasing player numbers but you'll be rewarded with in game money as usual, $250 for screenshots, $2500 for videos and bonuses for other contributions.

To get in touch, send images, links etc, just drop me an email at the usual address.


Saturday 2 May 2015

Pokefennium & Fairy Metals

Somehow I managed to accidentally disable Pokefennium & Fairy Metals on the server during the last update, this has now been fixed!

Thanks to jabbawokkey for letting me know about the problem.
