Thursday 29 January 2015

Coming Soon - Redstone Paste!

One of the most requested features and something I've been missing myself is enhanced redstone, specifically redstone that can go up walls and across ceilings!

The problem was that all the mods people suggested or that other packs use add a lot of machine related items, can cause significant client lag (like the red alloy wire in Tekkit), or have other issues when used on a server. Then I remembered watching this video a long time ago...

... and decided to see if the mod had been updated, I have finished testing the latest version for MC 1.6.4 with our pack and I'm pleased to say that we didn't find a single issue!

The mod only adds three items, redstone paste, sticky repeaters and sticky comparators and couldn't be any easier to understand and use, the green direction selector (you can see it in the video when he places the paste) also looks much better now. I think this mod makes a great addition to the pack!

I finished the 64x textures for it today, and Fyberoptic, the developer of this mod also made the Hopper Ducts mod we use so getting permission is not an issue! 

This mod will be added in the version 1.1.8 update to be released next week, along with version 1.1.0 of the texture pack (I'll try and get this out early), the update will also include some other changes, including the promised change to the Chocopedia (details of purple Chocobo breeding) and new mobs being added to my DiggysMobs mod!

Wednesday 28 January 2015

Jav's Daily News

Some screenshots from Jav0330 covering the last 24 hours on the server...

Cedarpoint2 is the first player to find a naturally spawning End portal in the main world, he's protected it and the rumour is that he will be allowing entry for a small fee in the future!

I can also confirm that their is still at least one more portal to be found in the main world, plus of course their are two free portals in the adventure world... three if you count the naturally spawned one I stumbled across a few days ago! 

Cedarpoint2 exploring the End with sam_the_chicken!

Jav0330's diamond fishing rod, enchanted to the max!

Remember we pay $250 for every screenshot we use,
it's always fun to see what you guys/gals are up to!

Finding Purple Chocobos

I noticed some players are confused about purple Chocobos, found in the nether, so I thought I'd clarify a couple of points:
  1. Like other mobs they spawn randomly and can spawn at any time in any part of The Nether.
  2. Unlike other Chocobos they lay eggs when bred rather than producing Chicabos, allowing them to be transferred between worlds easily.
They are around, so far I've found a pair and a group of three, but bear in mind that they only spawn within a couple of hundred blocks or so of players so the easiest way to find them is to go as a group and spread out in different directions!

I will add the egg info to the Chocopedia in the next update!

Tuesday 27 January 2015

Feedback Form Reopened

As a few people already noticed over the last few days I've re-opened the feedback form for the modpack/server and it will be staying open indefinitely.

We've had some big changes since the form was first available back in December so please remember that if you have already completed it you can edit your responses, the questions may be changed from time to time if I'm looking for feedback on a particular feature etc.

Here is the link...

It's fairly short so it won't take long to complete but you can also provide as much additional feedback as you want in the final text box (which is optional).

I'll be reviewing the responses roughly every two weeks and look forward to seeing what everyone thinks of DiggyVerse so far as well as reading your suggestions!

Saturday 24 January 2015

DiggyVerse 1.1.7 Released!

Changes in this version:
  • Chococraft - Tweaked name render height to suit recent changes.
  • Treecapitator - Bamboo tree leaves now break properly.
  • Hopper Ducts - Slight cooldown time tweak.
  • Tinkers Construct - Necrotic life steal disabled for passive mobs.
These are all just  small changes, the version change to 1.1.7 is mainly because integration issues with the new mods are now all fixed.

This update is not mandatory (you can still join the server with 1.1.6c) but it is recommended.

Friday 23 January 2015

Jav0330 Has Bred His First Golden Chocobo!

And here he is... Glenn...

For those who don't know the Golden Chocobo is not only fast but has
the ability to fly and is the most difficult one to breed! 

The next challenge is to try and track down one of the elusive
purple Chocobos, which are only found in The Nether! 

Remember we pay $250 for every screenshot we use,
it's always fun to see what you guys/gals are up to!

Tinkers Construct Smeltery

I just wanted to clarify the bug relating to the Tinkers Construct Smeltery, as per the information in the 'Bugs' section of the site.

The mod author did not intend the smeltery to be used for large scale storage, so the code is not written with this in mind. 

The mod author is well aware of the issues that overfilling a smeltery can cause, the contents bar going off the screen or even disappearing in extreme cases, but it seems unlikely that will be addressed / fixed in the MC 1.6.4 version of the mod as the mod author has ceased working on the mod. Although the original author has passed development of Tinkers Construct to someone else they are focussing on developing a stable version for 1.7.10 rather than fixing the few bugs remaining in 1.6.4.

We suggest the following workaround: A smeltery should not be overfilled and tanks should be used for storage instead. If your contents bar does disappear then removing some of it's contents will force the contents to show again.

The source code for Tinkers Construct has been released under an 'open' license (Creative Commons 3) so it is possible that someone else may choose to fix the 1.6.4 version. I don't think my Java experience is sufficient to fix the issues myself but I will be looking through the code to see if I can figure it out, perhaps with some help I can come up with some kind of fix such as limiting the amount a smeltery can hold, if anyone reading this is familiar with Java development then please do get in touch!

Wednesday 21 January 2015

Drifter397 Clears The Mine

Want to know what Creepy Creeper Mine looks like completely empty?

Drifter397 found it yesterday and completely cleaned it out!

"Guess you could call it the "Empty Creeper Mine" ;D" - drifter397

Remember we pay $250 for every screenshot we use,
it's always fun to see what you guys/gals are up to!

DiggyVerse 1.1.6 Released!

Changes in this version:
  • Updated Chococraft to version 3.0.6: A few Chocopedia spelling  corrections, disabled Chocopedia dropping from mobs, small chocobo menu fix.
  • Added DiggyVerseGuide 1.0.0
This update is mandatory and you will be unable to join the server until you have updated!

DiggyVerseGuide is a small mod I put together that contains a single item, the DiggyVerse Guide, which will be automatically given to all new players joining the server, I'll be giving copies to existing players when I next see them online. It can be copied by putting it in a crafting table with a Book and Quill.

Update: Version 1.1.6b has now been released due to a small error. This includes spelling corrections for the DiggyVerse Guide and also a small bug fix for CraftingTablePlus.

Note: The DiggyVerse guide is not compatible with Bibliocraft bookshelves due to the way I have coded it, I'm looking into whether I can get around this. For now though it can be placed on a normal Bibliocraft shelf or in a case.

Update: Version 1.1.6c has now been released to fix recipe clash reported to us by Jav0330 (straw/biscuit), straw is now crafted with 4 wheat (was 2) and gives 16 straw (was 8).


Tuesday 20 January 2015


Cedarpoint2 and Jav0330 are working on the servers first mall, Diggy-Mart...

The block Jav is standing on is his newly added custom VIP block, PunishOre!

Chocobos aren't the easiest mob to get to pose for a screenshot so I'm 
impressed with the way they got this one exactly where they wanted it.

Remember we pay $250 for every screenshot we use,
it's always fun to see what you guys/gals are up to!

Monday 19 January 2015

Version 1.1.5 Released!

Changes in this version:
  • Updated DiggysStuff to 1.4.7: Trophies now emit light at same level as Glowstone. Added custom VIP block for Jav0330.
  • Updated DiggysAlphabet to 1.0.3: Added 4 new symbol blocks - Hash, Exclamation Mark, Question Mark & Hyphen.
  • Added new mod, CraftingTablePlus 1.0.1 (custom).
  • Added new mod, Chococraft 3.0.5 (custom).
  • Treecapitator: Fixed Neptunian Axe & Diggyolite Axe compatability. Fixed Growthcraft Apple Tree compatability. Fixed Biomes O' Plenty Fir, Pine & Origin Tree compatability. Basically ALL trees in the modpack are now compatible.
  • DamageIndicators: Disabled "Critical" pop off (fix for villager glitch).
  • Bibliocraft: Added Bookshelf support for Chocopedia.
  • TicTweaks: Enabled Tinkers Construct recipe for Stone Torch (player request).
This update is mandatory and you will be unable to join the server until you have updated!

Massive thanks to clienthax, who has taken over development of Chococraft, for allowing me to produce a custom version of the mod and providing me with assistance in fixing many of the bugs present in the official 1.6.4 version, despite only currently developing official releases for 1.7.10.

Because we generated the existing worlds without Chococraft present the Gysahl greens you need to tame them cannot be found all over the world as they usually would be, however I will be addressing this today.

Update: You can trade Chocobo feathers for Gysahl seeds at one of the village buildings in the adventure world (Diggybrine's Realm). The border of the main world is also being extended by 500 blocks, giving a ring around the world which will contain some naturally spawning Gysahl greens. Veteran World has already been trimmed and regenerated so that they are present throughout the world. Gysahl seeds will also drop occasionally from grass!

You may be asking, what is the benefit of Crafting Table Plus, we already have the Tinkers Construct Crafting Station. Well like the Crafting Station it won't drop items if you forgot something and need to go and get it, but in addition it has it's own 18 slot inventory, which it can automatically take items from as you are crafting, and it displays the item you are crafting on top of the table! It can, of course, also be locked with Lockette.


Scheduled Downtime

The server is down to perform the following maintenance:
  1. Full backup/clone - Done.
  2. Upgrade server to 1.1.5 - Done.
  3. Test changes  - Done.
Scheduled Downtime:
Date: 18/01/15
Started:  09:00 am (UK)
Finished:  10:30 am (UK)

The maintenance is finished and the update to 1.1.5 went well!

Sunday 18 January 2015

Scheduled Maintenance

There will be a scheduled downtime tomorrow morning to take a full backup and upgrade to DiggyVerse 1.1.5.

The schedule is as follows:
  1. Full backup/clone.
  2. Upgrade server to 1.1.5.
  3. Test changes.
Scheduled Downtime:
Date: 18/01/15
Est Start:  09:00 am (UK)
Est Finish:  10:30 am (UK)

Texture Pack 1.0.9 Released!

A new version of our BDcraft texture pack has been released, version 1.0.9.


This version adds textures for two new mods and other changes that will be included with the next modpack release, I recommend downloading the new version or patching your existing pack as soon as you can so that you have all the new textures ready!

Players who already have the texture pack can download an upgrade patch rather than re-downloading the entire pack, just drag the contents into your existing 1.0.8 texture pack and you're ready to go:

Click here to download the 1.0.8 to 1.0.9 upgrade patch

Note: This is the largest texture pack update since the server first launched and I'm very excited about the new mods that are being added in the next version, both of which are exclusive versions I have adapted for this pack (with permission of course) and add awesome features such as our first flying ridable mob!


Jav0330 & Cedarpoint2 - New Homestead

Jav0330 & Cedarpoint2 have been working hard on their new homestead...

That's an impressive looking farm!

Remember we pay $250 for every screenshot we use,
it's always fun to see what you guys/gals are up to!

Friday 16 January 2015

Donator & VIP Ranks Now Available!

Donations are always appreciated and help ensure the future of the server, remember that 100% of your donation goes towards hosting fees!

One of the perks of having our own modpack is the ability to add new content ourselves and this is reflected in the VIP package, which gives you the opportunity to design a custom basic block and have it added into the pack as part of the next update!

More details of this and other perks can be found on the 'Donate' page, all donation based ranks are now 'Lifetime'.

Thanks for your support!

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Modpack version 1.1.4 Released!

Changes in this version:
  • Improved compatibility for players using some releases of Java 8.
This update is optional, if you are one of the players that has been having trouble running the modpack with Java 8 though this will fix it for you.

Thanks to LexManos for publicly releasing the fix under the 'JUST ******* USE IT' license, lol


Sunday 11 January 2015

Modpack version 1.1.3 Released!

Changes in this version:
  • Updated DiggysMobs to 1.2.5a, which includes a fix for an occasional duck glitch.
  • Fixed TiC Tweaks incorrectly setting gravel ore harvest levels.
This is an optional update (you can still connect to the server using 1.1.2) but is recommended as the duck fix is purely client side.


Saturday 10 January 2015

Texture Pack 1.0.8 Released

A new version of our BDcraft texture pack has been released, version 1.0.8.


DigginChickin noticed that some of the metallurgy orb textures were missing for full orbs, this version includes new textures I have made for the full set of 11 orbs.

The download link on the BDcraft forum page has been updated and can be found here:

Players who already have the texture pack can download an upgrade patch rather than re-downloading the entire pack, just drag the contents into your existing 1.0.7 texture pack and you're ready to go:

Click here to download the 1.0.7 to 1.0.8 upgrade patch

Note: The full pack has also had some textures removed as they are no longer needed, the update patch does not remove them and so will lead to a slightly larger pack than the full download.


Scheduled Downtime

The server is down for scheduled maintenance as follows:
  1. Full backup/clone - Done.
  2. Test possible server-side changes - Done.
Scheduled Downtime:
Date: 10/01/15
Started:  12:30 pm (UK)
Finished:  15:00 pm (UK)

I'll keep it as short as possible, please do not try and connect to the server unless I've updated here to say the maintenance is finished as this could slow down the testing!

Update: Downtime extended by 30 minutes, apologies for the inconvenience!

Update: The maintenance is finished and the server is now available again!

Clans Fixed

Apologies to the players who lost a clan recently, the expiry had reset to 7 days of inactivity. I have now fixed this and the expiry is back to 90 days for clan members and 120 days for actual clans!

You also now have 30 days to get your clan verified by a staff member, although if you open a ticket after creating a clan this will normally be done within 24 hours.

Friday 9 January 2015

Scheduled Maintenance

There will be a scheduled downtime tomorrow afternoon to test some possible server side changes, I normally avoid downtime at the weekends however I needed some specific help with the testing and we could only get together to do this during a weekend.

I'll keep it as short as possible and if all goes to plan it will be well worth it!

The schedule is as follows:
  1. Full backup/clone.
  2. Test possible server-side changes.
Scheduled Downtime:
Date: 10/01/15
Est Start:  12:30 pm (UK)
Est Finish:  14:30 pm (UK)

Ontime Changes

I have made a couple of tweaks this morning based on feedback;

/ontime [name] - This now shows the players current rank on the top line.

Player referrals - The reward has been increased to $2500 for both players, so now both the referrer and new player get the same amount.


Wednesday 7 January 2015

Player Feedback

Thanks to all those who have taken the time to complete the feedback form, I've spent some time going over the responses and am looking at making some changes and additions in the near future based on your feedback.

The form will remain open indefinitely so you haven't completed it yet or would like to change your responses you can at any time!

Saturday 3 January 2015

Texture Pack 1.0.7 Released

A new version of our BDcraft texture pack has been released, version 1.0.7.


I have completely remade all 16 textures for 'Dyable Glowstone', they are now fully animated like the vanilla glowstone texture!

The download link on the BDcraft forum page has been updated and can be found here:

Players who already have the texture pack can download an upgrade patch rather than re-downloading the entire pack, just drag the contents into your existing 1.0.6 texture pack and you're ready to go:

Click here to download the 1.0.6 to 1.0.7 upgrade patch


Friday 2 January 2015

xXman123x starts his new home...

xXman123x has started work on his new home on the server...

Looking great so far, looking forward to seeing how it turns out!

Remember we pay $250 for every screenshot we use,
it's always fun to see what you guys/gals are up to!

Thursday 1 January 2015